Add a resource to the growing repository of childhood cancer research resources.
Search the portal for a variety of pediatric cancer focused resources.
Researchers who have data in openly available repositories or deposit plasmids in AddGene are more cited.
Spend less time recreating and managing resources and more time on your research.
Sharing can lead to new and exciting collaborations, expanding the reach of your research.
You can import a resource from an existing repository, like GEO, SRA, AddGene, ATCC, etc. or list a resource with us.
Add a template MTA to your shared resources and avoid drafting MTAs over and over again.
No more shuffling through your inbox! Monitor requests for all your resources in one place.
You can invite members of your lab to help you manage and fulfill requests.
The portal tracks your sharing history. This can be shared with current and future funders to demonstrate the impact of your research.
The portal exports your resources and sharing history to the ALSF grant reporting system to simplify your reports.